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Best Method and Strategy to grow your Social Media and social media marketing

Best Method and Strategy to grow your Social Media and social media marketing, know what your audience are in need of and what they love to read about.
I’ve done horrible social media, I’ve done great social media. And I learned a lot from both, which I will share below along with my favourite social media marketing strategy to build an audience quickly.
  1. Deliver what peoples are in need and love to read - 90% of business don’t do this or did not know how to.
Seems like the most logical thing out there. It’s not.
Look at a ton of companies and all you will see is posts with 0 likes or 10 likes that are all fake.
See, social media is more than just posting some random images and inspirational texts.
You need to know your target audience. You need to know what they love. In the past, I’ve grown social media accounts from 0 to 7,000 followers in 3 months on a $150/month budget simply by knowing what my target audience wanted to see on their feed.
Knowing what they want to see increases the odds of them sharing your posts. And when they share your posts, you increase your audience.
This is the same in B2B as it is in B2C markets. If you want to reach people that love marketing, you have to share great articles that teach them new strategies for marketing. If you want to reach pilots, share articles that pilots have never read before.
It’s that easy yet many companies do not take the extra step to actually engage their audience. And this is sad because there are a ton of opportunities that they are missing because of it.
2. So, you have posts people want to see, now what?
Attracting someone to one post is great. Attracting people to two posts is great as well.
But you get the best results when you can actually engage your audience. And you can engage them in a way where they will look forward to every new post you make.
I’ve run campaigns where we would post something new on Friday. On Thursday we would have people write posts saying they were looking forward to the new article that would come out the next day. These people were hooked - they loved what we were doing.
And we made sure they were hooked by using an important strategy which is to always keep them in the run. Now, you can do that however you want. Have them follow you on social media is great (but actually terrible at the same time, since the platform decides what they see).
Next step is collecting emails. Which is also great but you will never get a 100% opt-in rate on your pages. It will be about 5% on most pages. Then, after you send the email, about 30% will open it. After that, about 10–20% will click. Out of every 1000 people that visit your website, you will actually just get 1 to 5 clicks (1000 visitors * 0.05 opt-in rate * 0.30 open rate * 0.20 click rate). Terrible!
The one thing we have found that works really well is using retargeting on social media. It’s simple: every time somebody checks out your new post or article, you collect their cookie address for social media advertising.
Now, they are in your database. And you can spend about $50 a week to reach them again on several platforms.
We use a tool called Pixelme for this. This tool allows you to turn your links into retargeting monsters! Any time somebody clicks this link, they will be added to the database on the social media platforms you’ve set up (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, any major platform including Quora.)
So, let’s say you post a new post every Monday. Kim visits your website on Tuesday and reads your article. Now she is added to the list of people that read the article. So, next Monday, you post another article. But, in the past, there was no way to reach Kim.
But Pixelme helps you to reach her again. You set up a simple ad on Twitter, Facebook and maybe some other social platforms. Then, that same Monday, Kim will see you posted a new article on your website. So Kim clicks the ad and reads the new article.
Costs? About $5 per 1000 impressions on social media. Usually, people hopefully see your posts once on social media. But for $0.50 you can have them see it 10 times and they are much more likely to click.
This means you build an audience rather quickly because this retargeting ad gets bigger every week. Kim shares the article with her colleague Debby. Now Debby is also on the retargeting list. So next Monday, both Kim and Debby read the article. Kim then shares it on Facebook, adding 20 more people to the retargeting list. Debby shares it on Twitter, adding 10 more people to the list. And this goes on and on and on.
Honestly, Pixelme has really changed the way you can quickly build audiences (and it’s extremely cheap to use since the average CPM is rather low at the start of building your audience on these social platforms).
Now, you can obviously use these ads to get these people to follow you on social media. This is smart since it builds credibility (social proof is important).
3. Keep your audience engaged
Once you start using these techniques, it is important that you continue publishing great content. You can’t start slacking as this is a great way to kill all the momentum you have created for yourself so far.
So, instead, make sure you keep your audience engaged by constantly putting our great content. Write new articles, make great images that go viral, put the work in to get the results you are looking for.
If you keep doing this, eventually you will see that the results you get will grow every single week. You may start out with 100 visitors on your website in the first week but can quickly grow this to 1000 weekly visitors after a few weeks. And then imagine the results after a few months. You keep growing and growing, building a huge audience that will love you more with every post you publish.

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