Five Surefire Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Online Business
A lot of business owners think that driving traffic to their online business takes technical expertise. As long as you are Internet savvy and know your way around your keyboard, you can easily apply the following five of the best ways to drive traffic into your business, products or anything you would like to promote:
Utilize the power of social networks:
The use of social networks by consumers has grown phenomenally over this past year. It is getting harder to find friends and family who do not have a Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter account.
As a business owner, you can capitalize on this social networking growth to bring traffic to your websites. While specifically addressing Facebook and to a lesser extend Instagram in the following paragraphs, successful social media marketing works similarly across any of the popular social networks today.
If you can implement a sound plan, you can use social networking sites to drive traffic and help your business grow.
Publish your articles to article directories: Human editors moderate the best article directories, so your article is reviewed before it gets published. This lends credibility to articles published to the top directories both in the eyes of the reader, and also the search engines.
Article directories may or may not allow links within your article, so you need to review the policies first before trying to insert your links. However, you can publish links in the author's bio or resource box. The resource boxes or author's bio are placed in the bottom or on top of your article.
A couple of tips to get your links clicked in your bio box: Try to run the end of your article, so it flows through to the text in your bio box. Also, try giving something away for free such as a report with more information, or products you own.
Blog commenting: This is probably one of the easiest methods of driving traffic. Search for 'your business niche' + 'blog' or do a Google blog search. All blogs have comment sections which allow you to input your name, email address and the URL of your website.
You then have a text box for your comment. All you have to do is fill in those fields (especially the URL), adding something constructive as a comment.
While you'll find a lot of blogs that publish comments instantly, there are still blogs that are moderated so you need to place comments that will get approved by the administrator. Add something to the conversation of the blog post, and you are sure to get accepted.
Forum posting: Forum signatures are also a great way to showcase your website's links. There are thousands of forums for just about anything by searching 'your business niche' + 'forum.' After you've created an account, log in to your forum control panel, and create your signature from there.
After you've created a signature, you can post in any of the topics. By participating in discussions, your forum profile becomes viewable. It only takes a couple of minutes to introduce yourself or post about something you find interesting.
If people find what you have to say interesting and informative, they are more than likely to click your signature to see what else you have to offer.
Yahoo! Answers: Yahoo! Answers is a very useful method of driving traffic to your business website. You can scour the site for people asking for help with just about anything. If you're a plumber with a business website, you can look up plumbing topics and help people out with their problems.
You are not allowed to market yourself on Yahoo openly! Answers, but if you are adding value to the site by providing valuable information, then naming your website as the source of your answer is accepted.
These are just 5 of the simplest yet most effective traffic driving methods that you can use for your business. More traffic for your business’ website means more customers for your local business. As you can see, it's easier than you think for both your website and business to get the attention they deserve.
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