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Step By Step On How to get approved on”MAXBOUNTY” Within 3 Hours Update 2018

Hello friends,are you really excited or getting headche on how to get approved on maxbounty? 
Yeah you’re in the right place.Here i will show you “Step By Step On How to get approved on”MAXBOUNTY” Within 3 Hours Update 2018”.
Before we applying  on Maxbounty we need to know what is Maxbounty is and either what's all about Maxbounty.
So read before apply on Maxbounty.

So we all know that Maxbounty is number 1 CPA network.And its really tough to get approved by them as a beginner. So,are you a CPA marketer? Do you know what is CPA marketing? Read this article and get a clear IDEA about WHAT IS CPA MARKETING.
You may be feeling bored,Ok Let me start about “how to get approved on maxbounty easily“.So its not so tough. Just follow my steps and get approved on maxbounty easily, Within an hour.
Ok first you need to go to this link (my referral link) why i am giving my referral link?
Ok Maxbounty like this type of referral application.And they care about it. cause they know if someone is applying  after clicking any referral link he/she must know something about cpa marketing. You don’t need to be a “GURU” or something special to get approved on maxbounty.
After click on this link you will be redirect with this page .Click on “JOIN MAXBOUNTY NOW

After click on “JOIN MAXBOUNTY NOW” you will be redirect this page.

This is the Sign Up page.
First step:
Your Name: (Fill with your name,Must match with your payment name)
Your Company Name: (Leave it blank or use your own name)
Password : (Set your password)
Confirm Password : (Fill with the same charecter)
Click on NEXT
After click on NEXT,you will see this page.
  1. Contact Information:
Email : (Your valid email)
Retype Email : (fill with same Email)
Phone : (Your phone number,they call you for a quick interview)
Mobile Phone: (Leave it blank or put your another phone number)
Your Time zone : (Select your time zone)
When can you be reached: (Select Evening or any other time when you can talk with them,I recommend Evening)
Which instant messenger do you use : (Your SKYPE,AOL,MSN,YAHOO ID)
What is your IM handle : ( IM user name)
How did you hear about MaxBounty : (, Offervault, Forum)
Click on NEXT,
Next page like this,

  1. Address:
Street Address : (Fill with your address,same as payment method you want to use)
City : (Which city do you live in)
North American State/Province : (If you’re from north America then select your state)
Non North American State/Province : (Fill with your city name)
Country : (Select your country from drop down menu)
Zip/Postal Code: (Your ZIP CODE)
Click on next,
After clicking on NEXT you will redirect In EXPERIENCE section

  1. Experience (Fill it carefully)

What is your experience: Select from drop down menu (I am extremely experienced and have recived many payments from networks)

Describe your past experience in affiliate marketing: Just write here like this,
I have started my affiliate journey  3years ago, I started with Clickbank and Jvzoo.I am still working there.And i am also working with Neverblue, Adsmain and Clickdealer as an affiliate.I have received many payments from this network.But i am really looking for some good CPA offers that really convert well. (Don’t copy and paste this, If you do, then you will be blocked by Maxbounty.Just write like this something new that you actually do)

How do you currently promote offers: I am a PPC marketer.I use BING, Google and Facebook for run my ads.But i am good in Facebook marketing, I collect impression/Pixel based on my niche and then i run my campaigns.I am also doing Email Marketing and i have over 50k Email based on Weight loss niche.I collect those Emails using my landing page.I also run ads on ppv network which is 50onRed(Don’t copy and paste this,  If you do, then you will be blocked by Maxbounty.Just write like this something new that you actually do)
What offer(s) are you looking for : Health and weight loss,Gaming,Email submit.
Your website URL:  ( If you have website or any landing page then submit here, If you don’t just write “I DON’T HAVE”)
Is this account for incentive Traffic: NO
If yes, describe the incentive: Leave it blank.
Click Next,

  1. Earnings
Minimum payment amount : $100
Make checks payable to: Your Payee Name (Must match with your name which name you use to apply on maxbounty)
Click Next,

  1. Terms
Mark all box and click on Finish.
Open your mail and you will find one mail from Maxbounty,This mail contains with a link.Just click on this link to verify your mail with Maxbounty.
After confirming your email Maxbounty will send you one another mail like this,
Now ,You’re very close to getting approved on it,
Here you can see the phone number +16138343955 x244 – You need to call this number by using your phone, So first call on  +16138343955 this number after Robot receive the call just type your extension number (x244) It’s my manager Extension number.You will find your manager Extension on +16138343955 x(Here).
After your manager receive your call just tell them,
Hi My name is John And my affiliate id is (xxxxxx) I applied on maxbounty just a few minutes ago.Will you please check my application?
Then they will ask you some question like this ,Just read this section very carefully.
  1. How long are you working with affiliate marketing
Ans : I am working with affiliate marketing since 2012.
2.Which network do you work With?
Ans: I am working with Clickbank and Jvzoo.Also, i am working with Neverblue, Adsmain,Clickdealer.
3.What is your AM name on Adsmain?
Ans: Ok, sometimes they will ask you this type of questions to test if you are tell them the truth.So write all AM’S name on a note pad before calling them.
4.How do you promote offers?
Ans: I am a PPC marketer.I use BING, Google and Facebook for run my ads.But i am good in Facebook marketing, I collect Interest/Pixel based on my offers and then i run my campaigns.I am also doing Email Marketing and i have over 50k Email based on Weight loss niche.I collected those Email by using my landing page.I also run ads on ppv network which is 50onRed.
5.Why you choose Maxbounty?
Ans: Maxbounty is the number one cpa marketplace and they have TON’s of amazing offers that i am looking for.
6.Which offers are you looking for?
Ans: I am looking for some Health and weight loss, Gaming,Email submit offers. (Go to maxbounty marketplace and take a look on their offers and just tell them any offers name.Or if you like any offer from maxbounty just tell them.)
That’s it. Just talk with them with fluent English.Talk slowly and before calling them memories this script, Read this full article more than 3 times.After completing all those things perfectly they will approve your application.

So isn’t it easy? Its really easy to get approved on maxbounty.Just follow this article and read this article more then 3 times.Read the question ans section carefully.If you are not good in English just memorize this question-answer section.You will must be approved if you talk in fluent English with them. Even i am not from a English Speaking Country.So just follow this step and Get approved on Maxbounty easily.
If you have any question just comment below,i will help you to
get approved on Maxbounty within 3 hours of time.

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