Complete Steps On How to Setup Facebook Remarketing
Do You Know That There are multiple ways to scale your ad campaigns on Facebook to get better results and one of the best is Remarketing on Facebook.
Remarketing, also called Retargeting on Facebook, means that you can show your ads on Facebook to the people that had already visited your site. As they already showed interest in your business by visiting your website, they are more likely to come back easily and even buy a product. But, how can you reach them? You paste a code in your website called Facebook Retargeting Pixel that saves the information of all those Facebook users that visit your site in order to group them in a Facebook Custom Audience. Then, you can target your future Facebook Ads to that specific audience that is more likely to care about what you are showing.
But it’s more powerful than that. With the Facebook Retargeting Pixel you can actually identify different actions taken by your visitors on specific pages of your website.
The Facebook Retargeting Pixel allows you to identify 9 specific actions called “standard events” that you can actually measure and group:
- View Content
- Search
- Add to Cart
- Add to wishlist
- Initiate Checkout
- Add Payment Info
- Make Purchase
- Lead
- Complete Registration
These actions are identified by writing one of these standard events inside the Facebook Retargeting Pixel code which must be pasted in the HTML code of a specific website.
For example, adding the Standard Event “Make Purchase” inside the “Payment Confirmation Page” will allow you to identify how many people that come from Facebook had already made a purchase.
Remarketing on Facebook allows you to show different ads to your visitors that have different behaviors on your website.
Remarketing Facebook Advantages
The main advantage of Remarketing on Facebook is the increase of ROI of your ad campaigns, which can be done and measured in different ways. It basically boosts the conversions with a lower price. Here are the benefits you can achieve in detailed words:
Retargeting: You can be sure that you are showing your ads to people that have shown interest in your business and you can actually group people who already bought, people who is interested in buying and people who is generally interested in your business. This way, you can show ads to all these different groups and measure who is more interested in buying and other interesting behaviors .
Lower Cost: Usually, ads on Facebook targeted to a Custom Audience made from your visitors are cheaper. Your CTR (Click Thought Rate) is higher, that is because your visitors are more likely to click on your ad and visit your website again and probably buy something than someone new to your business.
Increase Conversions: With a higher CTR you are able to target your ads to those who are willing to take action and get more conversions. e.g Sales, Sign Ups, Registrations, etc.
Create a Lookalike Audience: Another great advantage of Remarketing on Facebook is that you can create a Lookalike audience from your Custom Audience of your website visitors. You can create a bigger new audience that is similar to your current visitors, which means that you can show your ads to people that has similar profiles and behaviors on Facebook that is way more likely to care about your business. This way you can get new visitors to your website and more customers.
Here you can learn How to create a Facebook Custom Audience.
Remarketing Facebook Custom Audience
To create a Remarketing Facebook Audience of your website visitors, find the “Audiences” option in the Facebook Ads Manager or Power Editor.
You’ll be shown all the types of Facebook Audiences.
If you are inside a Business Manager Account, you’ll find the Create Audience button with the same options.
Click on “Create a Custom Audience” or “Custom Audience”. You’ll be shown different types of Facebook custom audiences. You’ll be shown each type of Facebook Custom Audience.
The Audience you are looking for Retargeting on Facebook is “Website Traffic”. By clicking on it, you’ll be asked first to create a Facebook Retargeting Pixel.
Let your Custom Audience grow enough to create a Lookalike audience from it, it helps to create an audience that has similar profiles, interests and behaviors made by a completely new group of people that is not connected with your business but that could be interested on it.
How to Get Facebook Retargeting Pixel
When you click on “Create Facebook Pixel” (shown in the previous image) it provides you the code you need to paste between the <head> and </head> of your website code.
Copy the code and save it. Then, add it into your website to make it work. When you are done, continue creating your audience.
- Click on “Create Audience”
- Under the Website Traffic dropdown menu, click on “Custom Combination“.
- Under the URL dropdown, click “Event“.
- Choose one of the standard events you’ve added on your website.
- Set the number of days you want people to remain in your audience after they visit your website.
- Give your audience a name to identify it.
- Click “Create Audience“.
Notice there is a checkbox that allows you to include people that visited your website on the past, even after adding your Facebook Retargeting Pixel, this will include all your previous visitors too.
How to Add Events Facebook Retargeting Pixel
In order to create custom audiences from specific standard events, you must add a code for each one in the code you already pasted on the specific page you want to create your audience from.
Go to your Facebook Retargeting Pixel page and click on the drop down menu “Actions” and select “View Pixel Code”. You’ll be shown your Facebook Retargeting Pixel code and the Standard Events codes.
Here you can copy the codes of each Standard Event. Notice that there is a Base Code that must be placed in order to group all your visitors from Facebook, and there is also a Standard Event Code that identifies specific actions of those visitors. You can paste your base code on your website and you will get an audience of your visitors and that’s it, but you can also identify what they do on your website if you add a standard event code on each page of your website.
Website action | Description | Standard event code |
View content | Track key page views (ex: product page, landing page, article) | fbq(‘track’, ‘ViewContent’); |
Search | Track searches on your website (ex: product searches) | fbq(‘track’, ‘Search’); |
Add to cart | Track when items are added to a shopping cart (ex: click, landing page on Add to Cart button) | fbq(‘track’, ‘AddToCart’); |
Add to wishlist | Track when items are added to a wishlist (ex: click, landing page on Add to Wishlist button) | fbq(‘track’, ‘AddToWishlist’); |
Initiate checkout | Track when people enter the checkout flow (ex: click, landing page on checkout button) | fbq(‘track’, ‘InitiateCheckout’); |
Add payment info | Track when payment information is added in the checkout flow (ex: click, landing page on billing info) | fbq(‘track’, ‘AddPaymentInfo’); |
Make purchase | Track purchases or checkout flow completions (ex: Landing on “Thank You” or confirmation page) | fbq(‘track’, ‘Purchase’, {value: ‘0.00’, currency: ‘USD’}); |
Lead | Track when someone expresses interest in your offering (ex: form submission, sign up for trial, landing on pricing page) | fbq(‘track’, ‘Lead’); |
Complete registration | Track when a registration form is completed (ex: complete subscription, sign up for a service) | fbq(‘track’, ‘CompleteRegistration’); |
Find the Facebook Retargeting Pixel code on the page you pasted it, and paste the Standard Event Code right after “fbq(‘track’, “PageView”);” and right before “</script>”. Here is an example:
Notice that for standard events like “Purchase” you can actually edit Parameterslike the value and currency.
Now your Facebook Retargeting Pixel will start adding people to your custom website that makes the specific action you want to measure.
The key is to make a Custom Audience from each of the standard events you need to measure to get valuable information that will help you to make better decisions for your business.
How to Install Facebook Retargeting Pixel on WordPress
You can add your Facebook Retargeting Pixel in your website by your own if your website allows you to edit its code, for example on WordPress.
On your WordPress Dashboard, find the menu “Appearance” on your left sidebar. Click on “Editor” and look for the “Header.php” section on the right sidebar.
This will show you the code where you can paste your Facebook Retargeting Pixel code between the <head> and </head> tags of the page you want to track.
However an easier way to do it is using a plugin. Just follow these steps and you’ll be ready in a couple minutes:
- From your dashboard, find the menu “Plugins” and click “Add New“. to add the
- Install the”Facebook Conversion Pixel” plugin and don’t forget to activate it.
- From the Settings menu, click “Facebook Conversion Pixel“.
- Select the post types you want to enable conversion tracking on, then click Save Changes.
- Find the menu “Pages” and click Edit on the particular page you want to add the pixel.
- Scroll down to find the Facebook Pixel Conversion Code box.
- Check the box before the text “Insert Facebook Conversion Pixel code on this page“
- Paste the code in the conversion pixel field and click “Update“. Remember you can add the pixel code with a particular standard event in every page.
There are different platforms where you can paste your Facebook Retargeting Pixel when you are unable to edit the code directly. Popular ecommerce platforms like Shopify, Teespring and Big Commerce are among these. Here you can learn how to paste your Facebook Retargeting Pixel on each one.
How to Know if the Retargeting Pixel is Working
If your Facebook Retargeting Pixel is working, it will send information of each visitor you get from Facebook right away. To confirm this, you can see the activity in the Facebook Retargeting Pixel Page in your Ads Manager.
Another way to confirm if it is working, check your pixel status on your pixel dashboard, it must be “Active”.
You’ll be shown your pixel traffic on a graphic over a specific period of time that you can actually adjust.
The Facebook Retargeting Pixel is nowadays for some advertisers a basic tool to measure results in order to make smarter decisions. It is something you must be using if you want to get the right information to scale your ad campaigns and to understand how your target market behaves.
Now that you know how Remarketing on Facebook Works, you may want to know the Types of Facebook Ads to Grow your Website but first you need to know How to Create a Facebook Fan Page.
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