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Silicon Valley Jobs Between Myth and Reality

Who wants to be a Silicon Valley Millionaire? Who wants to be a celebrity entrepreneur? Put your hands up not for Detroit, but for Bay Area. 

What do you need? Nothing! Nothing at all. You don’t even need a brilliant idea. You will figure something out on your way to San Francisco.

What’s next? You start camping there and hope for the best.

May the Startup Odds Be NEVER In Your Favor

It’s inevitable. It’s too powerful to resist. The call of the wild entrepreneurship. Every year we have the same welcome-to-the-Silicon-Valley-suckers reality show. The mass exodus of the wannabe Silicon Valley gurus is on.

The weather in California is great. The reality of the Silicon Valley not so great. Keep on tryin’ babe! You won’t have much of the support, though, but you’ll have more inspiration than you can imagine. You will hear “inspirational” stories about startups that rain money just like that. Yeah, it’s great to keep asking yourself, what’s wrong with me? Why this stupid thing of mine just won’t work?

You ain’t stupid. They just made you feel and look stupid.

The Biggest Dream Selling Industry in the World

Forget about Hollywood. Silicon Valley is a place where the dreams are made and sold for the mind-blowing prices. Have you noticed a Silicon Valley paradox?

It has never been cheaper, quicker, and easier to launch a startup in the Bay Area. At the same time, it has never been more expensive to mimic a tech guru lifestyle. What about your odds? Well, the failure rate is around 90%. But hey, that’s not going to be you who fails. Right?

All you have to do is to survive long enough until your prince charming investor discovers and supports your life-changing invention. Until you make your breakthrough to the other side, you will have to make a few painful compromises here and there. You may even stumble upon a fellow dreamer, an aspiring actor who’s making you coffee in a local restaurant every single morning. You are going to make it. Both of you. You just have to believe.

No worries. There are no Weinsteins in Silicon Valley. So, you won't have to make compromises so painful. But, there are Frankensteins and they know how to party. You know how it goes. Don't work hard, but party as if this is your last day on earth. What happens in Silicon Valley, doesn’t stay there, but usually ends up in some book.

Behold! A Dead Startupper is Walking, But He Just Doesn’t Know It, Yet.

They have a name for the forever young and forever hoping startuppers of Silicon Valley – the walking dead. Somehow, they manage to survive. But, there’s a catch.

Have you seen “The Company Men?” Well, the Silicon Valley wannabes have certainly seen it more than once. Ben Affleck demonstrated the importance of keeping up appearances for startuppers in the best possible way. It’s not just dress to impress. It’s the whole show of expensive events you have to attend and unforgettable presentations you have to organize.

Quickly, you will learn to yourself and then the others. You will also master the skills of amplifying the “little wins,” and rationalizing the big ones that are a bit late, but they’re on their way to your startup. Just around the corner of your misery.

Do You Believe in Startup Life After Silicon Valley Love?

Every now and then, a story breaks through about a wild success outside Silicon Valley. Your bloodsucking mentors and phony friends will convince you this nothing more than an exception that proves - Silicon Valley still rules.

Your startup’s tombstone is ready. They’re just waiting for the date before they totally empty your silver plate. The epitaph has always been the same:

Dreaming a Silicon Valley dream was great,

Too bad I had to wait.

A startup dream never dies,

A true entrepreneur never cries.”

 Read more here

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