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How to Add Social botton to Email Signature

If you’re reading this now, you likely ba a someone that is active on various social media networks online. It is now un-common for a big or small  business to not have some sort of social presence and either by using any one of this listed or all of them like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Google+, you want to be driving people to your social content on a regular basis to know all that you offer about your business.

By Adding some social media icons to email signatures is a great and lucrative way to get loads of new fans online for free!

It is easy to attach social media links in email signatures, but by adding official social media network icons looks so much more professional for your business growing.

To add a social media icon, follow these below simple steps.

For adding social media icon to your email signature

You need to add the social media icons to your email signature. basically, this will be just below your contact details, but feel free to put them wherever you think is appropriate in the email bottom or at the top.

If you use a WYSISWYG (What You See Is What You Get) HTML editor in Outlook, you can make use of the Insert picture option to add your social media icon.

For plain HTML code on Exchange or Office 365, use the <img /> HTML tag, pointing to the web location of the image.

Add a hyperlink to the social media icon

Now all you need to do is add a hyperlink to your social media profile page.

Using a WYSIWYG HTML editor is very easy. Select your image by click on it, click the Add a hyperlink button in the top menu and enter the URL that leads to your relevant social media page. The hyperlink should be the profile’s full URL of your social media page example:

If you are working with raw HTML, locate the image code and then insert the HTML tags.

There you are all done. You have successfully added social media links to an email signature. To add more profiles, simply repeat the process as many times as you wish.

To use a WYSIWYG HTML editor for adding social media icons in Microsoft Exchange or Office 365, you need dedicated email signature software.

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